Feb 2019: Prof. Lou and Prof. Ning Zhang are invited speakers at DARPA’s ABC workshop (Applications and Barriers to Consensus Protocols) for their blockchain research work.
Nov 2018: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote speech on Blockchain at ICA3PP 2018, Guangzhou, China.
Nov 2018: Prof. Hou delivered a keynote speech on real-time scheduling in 5G networks at APCC 2018, Ningbo, China.
Nov 2018: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote speech on Blockchain at DLoT 2018, New York City, NY.
Aug 2018: Prof. Lou visited Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and delivered a lecture on IoT security in the College of Engineering's Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series.
May 2018: Congratulations to Prof. Lou on being named W.C. English Professor! (VT News)
May 2018: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote speech on data security and privacy in cloud computing at SPC Workshop at IEEE CNS 2018, Beijing, China.
May 2018: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote speech on IoT security at 5G-Security Workshop at ICC 2018, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
May 2018: Congratulations to Prof. Lou for receiving the Alumni Award for Excellence in Research! (VT News) This award recognizes the most significant research achievement within the University. Awards are made annually in two categories: science or engineering and social sciences, humanities, or arts with one award in each category.
April 2018: CNSR has produced two more professors! Congratulations to Ning Zhang and Wenhai Sun. Ning has accepted an offer from the Computer Science & Engineering department at Washington University in St. Louis. Wenhai has accepted an offer from the Computer Information and Technology department at Purdue University, West Lafayette. Both are tenure-track assistant professor position.
January 2018: Prof. Lou delivered a distinguished lecture on IoT security at University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
December 2017: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote speech on IoT security at IEEE IPCCC 2017, San Diego, California.
October 2017: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote speech on IoT security at IEEE MASS 2017, Orlando, Florida.
October 2017: Prof. Hou delivered a keynote speech on wireless network capacity at WCSP 2017, Nanjing, China.
August 2017: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote speech at the 6th N2Women Workshop collocated with ACM SigComm 2017, Los Angelos, California.
August 2017: Prof. Lou finished her rotation at NSF and returned to CNSR lab at Virginia Tech!
May 2016: Prof. Lou received the Technical Recognition Award for her contribution to Information Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing and Wireless Networks from the IEEE Communications Society, Communications & Information Security Technical Committee (award plaque).
January 2016: Prof. Hou has been appointed as the Chair of GLOBECOM/ICC Technical Committee (GITC) of the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) for 2016-2017. GLOBECOM and ICC are the two largest conferences in ComSoc, each with an annual attendance over 2,000. The GITC oversees the technical programs of GLOBECOM/ICC to ensure they are current and of the highest level possible. The GITC appoints or approves the appointment of Technical Program Chairs of GLOBECOM and ICC.
August 2015: Prof. Hou has been elected as a Member-at-Large (MAL) in the 2015 IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) election. In this position, he will be a voting member in the ComSoc Board of Governors during 2016-2018. (Election Results) Prof. Hou greatly appreciates the tremendous support that he received from his colleagues and friends in this ComSoc election.
July 2015: Former CNSR research scientist, Dr. Shiwen Mao, has been appointed as the Director of the Wireless Engineering Research and Education Center at Auburn University. He has also been named as the Samuel Ginn Endowed Professor in conjunction with the appointment (news release).
May 2015: Prof. Lou received Virginia Tech College of Engineering
Dean's Award for Research Excellence, in recognition of her extraordinary performance in
research (CoE news release, and
CS news).
Jan. 2015: Prof. Hou has been named an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer (DL) for 2015-2016. As a DL, Tom will present invited lectures on his research to some local chapters of the society.
Dec 2014: Prof. Hou was the Keynote Speaker
at the 10th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN) in Maui, Hawaii, USA. His keynote talk was titled "Advances in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks for Cyber Physical Systems." (conference web page)
Nov. 2014: Prof. Wenjing Lou has been named an IEEE Fellow
for contributions to information and network security. IEEE Fellow is the
highest grade of membership and is recognized by the technical community as a
prestigious honor and an important career achievement (CoE news, CS news).
Nov. 2014: Our paper
has been selected as the BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD at ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems, Rome, Italy, Nov. 12-14, 2014
[Award Certificate].
September 2014: Prof. Tom Hou has been named Bradley Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors in recognition of his excellence in research, scholarship, teaching, and service (VT news).
August 2014: Prof. Lou has been appointed a Program Director in the CNS division within the CISE directorate at the National Science Foundation.
July 2014: Dr. Lou has accepted an invitation to serve on the editorial board of
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC). TMC is a premier scholarly journal in the area of Mobile Computing.
June 2014: Dr. Lou has been promoted to Full Professor (VT announcement).
May 2014: Prof. Lou is named the 2014 Virginia Tech College of Engineering
Faculty Fellow, in recognition of her extraordinary performance in
research (photo,
CoE news release, and
CS news).
April 2014:
Prof. Tom Hou's new bookApplied Optimization Methods for Wireless Networks has been published by Cambridge University Press.
This book is written in a unique style. It is a valuable resource for faculty, graduate students, and researchers in the communications and networking area whose work interfaces with optimization. It teaches you how various optimization methods can be applied to solve complex problems in wireless networks.
April 2014: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote address titled "Toward Privacy-Assured
Searchable Cloud Data Services", at
International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data (BigSecurity
2014), collocated with
Toronto, Canada.
Dec 2013: Dr. Lou has accepted an invitation to serve on the editorial board of
Journal of Computer Security
(JCS). JCS is a top journal in the area of computer security that presents research and development results of
lasting significance in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, and application of secure computer systems.
Nov. 2013: Prof. Tom Hou has been named an IEEE Fellow for
contributions to modeling and optimization of wireless networks. The
status of Fellow is one of the most prestigious honors of the
institute, bestowed upon less than one-tenth of one percent of the
annual voting membership of IEEE. See Virginia Tech College of
Engineering news release.
July 2013: Our research paper "Bicriteria optimization in multi-hop wireless networks: Characterizing the throughput-energy envelope" has been selected as the Spotlight Paper for the September 2013 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing! The paper will be highlighted on the journal home page and will be available to the public for free for 30 days. If you'd like to download the paper, you can access the journal's home page located at http://www.computer.org/tmc.
July 2013: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote address titled "Toward Privacy-Assured Data Services in Cloud Computing", at
International Workshop on Network Forensics, Security and Privacy (NFSP), collocated with
IEEE ICDCS 2013, in Philadelphia, PA.
June 2013: Prof. Lou delivered a keynote address on "Wireless Security and Privacy: From Crypto-based Protection to Cross-Layer Security Enhancement", at
IEEE Workshop on Security and Privacy of Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor Networks (MWSN), collocated with
2013, in New Orleans, LA.
May 2013: Our paper "Privacy-preserving multi-keyword text search in the cloud supporting similarity-based ranking", authored by W. Sun, B. Wang, N. Cao, M. Li, W. Lou, Y.T. Hou, and H. Li, received the
distinguished paper award at
April 2013: Prof. Tom Hou was honored with the Dean's Award for Excellence in Research at the annual Virginia Tech College of Engineering Dean's Award ceremony. See photo and news release.
January 2013: Following a special election held by IEEE, Prof. Tom Hou has been duly elected and officially appointed by the IEEE Communications Society as the new Chair of IEEE INFOCOM Steering Committee, effective January 8, 2013. IEEE INFOCOM is a top conference in communication networking. Recently, Google Scholar has ranked INFOCOM as the top publication venue among all journals and conferences in the field of computer networks & wireless communications! Congratulations to Tom on serving this important post in the research community!
More detail can be found here...
December 2012: Our research paper "Scalable and secure sharing of personal
health records in cloud computing using attribute-based encryption" has been selected as the Spotlight Paper for the January 2013 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems! The paper will be highlighted on the journal home page and will be available to the public for free for 30 days. If you'd like to download the paper, you can access the journal's home page located at http://www.computer.org/tpds.
August 2012: Dr. Lou is a founding member of the new IEEE security conference -- IEEE CNS. She is serving as the TPC Co-Chair of the first IEEE CNS
conference. CNS 2013 will be held in Washington DC in October 2013. This new conference is a spin-off of IEEE INFOCOM, a top networking conference, and positioned to be a top conference focusing on communications and network security. For more information about CNS, click here.
June 2012: Dr. Hou has been promoted to a Full Professor. More detail...
April 2012: Ning Cao has accepted a Software Engineer position from Research & System Infrastructure: Cloud Platform, Google, Mountain View, CA. Congratulations, Ning !
April 2012: The book that was co-edited by Prof. Hou, Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks: Principles and Practices (Academic Press/Elsevier, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-12-374715-0), was selected by IEEE Communications Society as one of the Best Readings in Cognitive Radio.
Jan 2012: Dr. Lou has accepted an invitation to serve on the editorial board of
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
(TPDS), starting Jan 2012. TPDS is an IEEE Computer Society journal and
among the most reputable journals in the area of parallel and distributed
systems. In addition to this new editorial appointment, Dr. Lou is also serving
on the editorial board of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, Elsevier Computer Networks, and Springer Wireless
November 2011:: We are now CNSR -- The Complex Networks and Security Research Lab. The CNSR lab is a merger of the Complex Network System Lab led by Professor Hou and the Cyber Security Lab
led by Professor Lou. CNSR draws upon the
expertise of both groups and expects to be more productive and of higher impact in the research community.
October 2011: Dr. Hou was recently appointed as an editor for the
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) —Cognitive
Radio Series, effective January 2012. This is a new series of JSAC special issues launched by the IEEE Communications Society and is solely devoted to cognitive radios. The series serves as a platform for communicating state-of-the-art cognitive radio research, highlighting the research challenges that remain unanswered, and further exploring innovative solutions for resolving them.
In addition to his new editorial appointment, Dr. Hou also serves as an area editor of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (supervising about a dozen editors in the wireless network and systems area), an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, and a Technical Editor of IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine.
August 2011: Prof. Lou joins Virginia Tech as an Associate Professor with tenure.